
Flags are a way to pass values into Elm on initialization.

Common uses are passing in API keys, environment variables, and user data. This can be handy if you generate the HTML dynamically. They can also help us load cached information in this localStorage example.

Flags in HTML

The HTML is basically the same as before, but with an additional flags argument to the Elm.Main.init() function

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <script src="main.js"></script>

    <div id="myapp"></div>
      var app = Elm.Main.init({
        node: document.getElementById("myapp"),
        flags: Date.now(),

In this example we are passing in the current time in milliseconds, but any JS value that can be JSON decoded can be given as a flag.

Note: This additional data is called “flags” because it is kind of like command line flags. You can call elm make src/Main.elm, but you can add some flags like --optimize and --output=main.js to customize its behavior. Same sort of thing.

Flags in Elm

To handle flags on the Elm side, you need to modify your init function a bit:

module Main exposing (..)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, text)


main : Program Int Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions


type alias Model =
    { currentTime : Int }

init : Int -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init currentTime =
    ( { currentTime = currentTime }
    , Cmd.none


type Msg
    = NoOp

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update _ model =
    ( model, Cmd.none )


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    text (String.fromInt model.currentTime)


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =

The only important here is the init function says it takes an Int argument. This is how Elm code gets immediate access to the flags you pass in from JavaScript. From there, you can put things in your model or run some commands. Whatever you need to do.

I recommend checking out this localStorage example for a more interesting use of flags!

Verifying Flags

But what happens if init says it takes an Int flag, but someone tries to initialize with Elm.Main.init({ flags: "haha, what now?" })?

Elm checks for that sort of thing, making sure the flags are exactly what you expect. Without this check, you could pass in anything, leading to runtime errors in Elm!

There are a bunch of types that can be given as flags:

Many folks always use a Json.Decode.Value because it gives them really precise control. They can write a decoder to handle any weird scenarios in Elm code, recovering from unexpected data in a nice way.

The other supported types actually come from before we had figured out a way to do JSON decoders. If you choose to use them, there are some subtleties to be aware of. The following examples show the desired flag type, and then the sub-points show what would happen with a couple different JS values:

  • init : Int -> ...

    • 0 => 0
    • 7 => 7
    • 3.14 => error
    • 6.12 => error
  • init : Maybe Int -> ...

    • null => Nothing
    • 42 => Just 42
    • "hi" => error
  • init : { x : Float, y : Float } -> ...

    • { x: 3, y: 4, z: 50 } => { x = 3, y = 4 }
    • { x: 3, name: "Tom" } => error
    • { x: 360, y: "why?" } => error
  • init : (String, Int) -> ...

    • ["Tom", 42] => ("Tom", 42)
    • ["Sue", 33] => ("Sue", 33)
    • ["Bob", "4"] => error
    • ["Joe", 9, 9] => error

Note that when one of the conversions goes wrong, you get an error on the JS side! We are taking the “fail fast” policy. Rather than the error making its way through Elm code, it is reported as soon as possible. This is another reason why people like to use Json.Decode.Value for flags. Instead of getting an error in JS, the weird value goes through a decoder, guaranteeing that you implement some sort of fallback behavior.

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